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Walking shoes

Some say that walking is the best stress reliever. We would have to agree! We have all heard the recommendation that we need to get 10,000 steps per day, and this is for good reason. Walking is great for your bones, strengthens your heart, and improves your overall fitness.

Sometimes we just can’t seem to get those 10,000 steps in during a busy day. Between work, doctor appointments, or kids, we are bogged down during the daylight hours. That is where the home treadmill comes in. You can exercise when you have the time within the convenience of your own home.

Our Top Picks 

Here are our top choices of treadmills that fall under a range of different price points and have various standout features: 

Exerpeutic TF1000

To check it out on Amazon,

This budget-friendly treadmill has some pretty great qualities – it has a maximum weight capacity of 400 lbs (which is at par with many premium models). This treadmill caters only to walkers, offering a maximum speed of 4.0 mph. 

It has a relatively wide belt and heart rate sensors in the handrails (a bonus). The screen displays all the basic statistics that any walker would need. 

This foldable treadmill also has wheels at the bottom for quick and easy transportation. Depending on where you buy it from, this treadmill may have a warranty ranging from 90 days to five years for its parts.

It has a 1.5HP motor, which isn’t ideal for running but provides enough power for walkers. 

Overall, this treadmill provides great value for money with some features at the same level as commercial treadmills. 


  • Budget-friendly
  • High weight capacity 
  • Built-in heart rate monitor 
  • Wheels for easy transport. 


  • Track length is shorter 

Sole F63 

To check it out on Amazon, click here.

This treadmill is somewhat highly-priced for personal and home use, but with a great price comes great features. Among these, a major attraction for most people is the long-term warranty that this treadmill comes with. You get lifetime coverage for the motor and frame and 3 years for the parts. It has a maximum weight capacity of 325 lbs. 

The belt is 60 inches long (similar to commercial machines) and has a 3.0 CHP motor, which is excellent for both walking and running. There are also 10 built-in workouts to help you keep track of your fitness goals, and the treadmill has a maximum speed of 12 mph. It also offers up to 15% incline to help you get a really solid cardio workout. 

The screen can be connected to the Sole Fitness app on your smart devices so that you can keep track of your fitness and workout stats. 

Some bonus features in this treadmill include an integrated tablet holder, Bluetooth speakers, and a USB port. There are built-in heart rate sensors, and the treadmill comes with wireless chest straps so that you can keep an eye on your heart rate. 


  • High quality build with long term warranty 
  • 3.0 CHP motor (among the most powerful ones for home and gym treadmills)
  • Long track 
  • High range of speed and incline 
  • Heart rate monitor included 
  • Built-in workouts 
  • Bluetooth speakers 
  • Flex cushioning for maximum shock absorbency.


  • It may take some time to accelerate. 

NordicTrack T 6.5S

To check it out on Amazon, click here.

The NordicTrack T series is a great option for walkers who are looking for smart-looking treadmills that barely makes any noise. 

This bad boy has a range of features. Boasting a 2.6 CHP (Continuous Horse Power) and 20 inbuilt workouts to help you reach your fitness goals. It’s particularly ideal for walkers and offers a speed range from 1-10 mph. You can even get in a proper cardio workout by altering the incline (between a range of 0-10%). 

This foldable treadmill has a maximum weight capacity of 300 lbs and has a pretty wide belt to provide you with plenty of walking space. The belt is also padded with Flex Cushioning for shock absorption and comfort. 

Unlike the 6.5Si model, however, this treadmill doesn’t have a screen with iFit compatibility – if you wish to use iFit, you’ll have to keep your phone or tablet on the accessory holder of your treadmill. 

While the motor has a 25-year warranty, most treadmills now offer 3.0 CHP with a lifetime warranty. Apart from this, some of the parts of the treadmill only have a one-year warranty. 


  • Reasonably priced 
  • 20 built-in workouts 
  • Lightweight and foldable
  • Flex cushioning 
  • Noise-free 


  • No inbuilt fans
  • Reduced warranty
  • Basic screen features as compared to other NordicTrack models.

XTERRA Fitness TR150 

To check it out on Amazon, click here.

This is one of the more budget-friendly options on our list, and despite some fancy features, it has quite a bit to offer. This foldable treadmill has a 2.25 HP motor and a maximum speed of 10 mph, which is decent for walking and jogging. It doesn’t offer much of an incline (only up to 2%), so don’t expect to get steep hill walks on this machine. 

The running belt has a width of 16 inches, which is considered to be a bit narrow. The belt has XTRASoft cushioning and minimizes the stress on your joints as you move. This treadmill has a maximum weight capacity of 250 lbs and can also get a little noisy if someone else in your household wants to start jogging on it. 

It has 12 built-in workouts and an LCD screen that displays all the necessary workout statistics. The handrails also have heart rate monitors included, which is a great feature at a low price point. The console also has an accessory holder. 

The frame comes with a lifetime warranty, the motor has one year of warranty, and the parts have coverage for only 90 days. Even so, this is quite decent given the price of the treadmill. 


  • Built-in workouts 
  • Cushioned belt 
  • Decent warranty
  • Compact design
  • Built-in heart rate monitor.


  • Narrow belt 
  • May produce some noise during use 
  • The maximum weight capacity is on the lower side. 

Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7515 

To check it out on Amazon, click here.

This Sunny Health & Fitness treadmill is probably one of the lowest-priced models on our list, but despite its low price point, it has a bunch of decent features. With 12 built-in workout programs, auto incline up to 12 levels, and a built-in heart rate monitor, this treadmill is your ultimate companion if you’re looking to hit your fitness goals. 

When it’s not in use, you can either fold it or use the easy transport wheels to move it to the corner of the room. 

One of its bonus features includes Bluetooth connectivity to your smart device. Another is the built-in speakers to help you stay entertained during your workouts. 

It offers a maximum speed of 8 mph, making this treadmill ideal for beginners and walkers. It also has 1 HP of motor power. The maximum weight capacity is 250 lbs, which is somewhat on the lower side. 

The frame comes with a 3-year warranty, and the parts offer coverage for 90 days, which is expected at the given price point. 


  • Built-in speakers 
  • Volume, speed and other controls accessible through the handrails as well
  • Built-in workout programs 
  • Heart rate monitor included 
  • Compact and foldable
  • Decent incline range. 


  • Low motor power 
  • Narrow belt.

Horizon T101 

To check it out on Amazon, click here.

This compact and foldable treadmill is suitable for walking and light workouts. Some of its most attractive features include a Bluetooth speaker system, 9 built-in workouts, and lifetime warranty for the frame and motor (parts have a one year warranty). 

It has a maximum speed of 10 mph and a maximum incline of up to 10%. The treadmill also has a built-in heart rate monitor pulses. It also has a solid maximum weight capacity of up to 300 lbs. 

The treadmill has a 2.5HP motor at a decent price point, making it a sturdy and powerful machine that’s ideal for an effective cardio workout. 

Apart from this, the entire console is quite smart visually and won’t be an eyesore in your home. 


  • Long term warranty
  • Built-in workout programs 
  • Built-in heart rate monitor 
  • Bluetooth activated speakers 
  • Decent incline range
  • Somewhat wide belt. 


  • Short belt
  • Motor only suitable for walking 
  • Weak cushioning. 

To check out this treadmill on Amazon, click here

Bowflex TreadClimber

To check it out on Amazon, click here.

The TreadClimber TC100 is probably the most expensive console on our list, but you’ll definitely be getting great value for money with this one. In fact, this unique treadmill combines three exercise machines in one- a stair climber, elliptical, and a treadmill. 

The belt has 2 separate moving parts, unlike traditional treadmills that have a single strip, which is why you can lose weight more than twice as quickly. It has a maximum weight capacity of 300 lbs. 

It has an LCD display and accessory holders and grip sensors in the handrails to monitor your heart rate. 

The entire console comes with a two-year warranty, which may be considered to be a bit low given its price point. That being said, this 3-in-1 exercise machine can make workouts fun and keep you motivated to stay active. 


  • 3-in-1 exercise machines 
  • Compact design
  • Option to store fitness data 
  • Spacious console with accessory holders 
  • Good quality build 


  • Not foldable
  • Low warranty 
  • Average workout programs. 

How to Properly Use your Treadmill

Here are some quick tips on how you can use your treadmill when walking. Use this as a guide of what to do (and what not to do) when performing your workouts.

Make sure the Belt is not Moving when you get on the Treadmill

This may sound like silly advice, yet countless people are injured every year trying to get on a moving treadmill. The gym fail videos are littered with people flying off the back of a moving treadmill. We are

If the treadmill is moving before you get on, utilize the emergency turn off switch (usually a red button) before getting on. This will allow the treadmill to stop and you can get on the belt safely and begin your workout.

Use the Handrails Sparingly

Many people use handrails when walking on the treadmill. They are great to use when entering, exiting, or providing stability and footing. The problem arises when you hold on to the handrails during your entire workout. You want to walk naturally, to avoid having any balance issues.

Maintain Good Posture

Many people tend to hunch over or lean forward when using the treadmill. This will not be good for you in the long run. Causing incomplete breaths, back pain, and neck pain.

Many times, this is due to entertainment on the treadmill. Either reading, looking at your phone or watching your favorite show. Instead, keep your head up, shoulders back, and walk with your eyes forward. You can bring your entertainment up to eye level by investing in a stand or mount.

How Often Should I walk?

It is recommended to get at least 10,000 steps per day. Beyond that, you want to try and walk at a faster pace for exercise. Walking for fitness is recommended at least 3 times per week at 30 minutes. You can do this at a steady pace or in intervals. If you choose to do intervals, here is a great workout.

Note: Always consult your physician before starting any exercise regime.

  • 5-minutes: Warm-up at a light pace
  • 20-Minutes: Walk at a Higher Speed that elevates your heart rate.
  • 5-Minutes: Cool down at a light pace

5 Reasons Walking is Great Exercise

Walking is a fantastic low impact way to improve your health. Here are some benefits as to why you should walk:

1.) Improves Brain Function

Walking is great for your brain. In a recent study, researchers found that woman who walked for at least 1.5 hours per week had a much higher cognitive function over those who walked 40 minutes or less. This is why we recommend at least three 30-minutes walking sessions per week.

2.) Improves Fitness

Not only will walking improve your health, it also will increase your fitness level. You will find that the more walking exercise you perform the easier it will get. Maybe right now you can only do 30 minutes. As time progresses, you will find that you can do 45 minutes, then an hour! Your physical function will improve and will combat against physical disability in your later years.

3.) Helps Prevent Diseases

Walking reduces your risk of a number of diseases according to a number of studies. It reduces heart disease, risk of diabetes, and improves bone health.


Our goal is to help you find the perfect treadmill for your walking workouts. The items mentioned on this list cover a range of features and price points. If you’re looking for a good treadmill for walking, you can’t go wrong with the ones mentioned in this list.