Posts filed under: Fitness

What to Look for When Buying a Treadmill for Running

Cardio and Strength is powered by readers. If you click through using links on our...

How Many Steps Are in 1 Mile?

Research shows, that the average stride length is 2.67 feet or 32 inches. This comes...

Turn a Bike Into an Exercise Bike

Cardio and Strength is powered by readers. If you click through using links on our...

Is Running on a Treadmill Bad for You?

While many people these days appreciate the ease and convenience of running on a treadmill...

What Does Running on a Treadmill Do For You?

You’ve heard that running on a treadmill can be great for you, but never had...

Treadmill Interval Workout in 30 Minutes

When you are short on time, the last thing you want to do is waste...

Are Exercise Bikes Good for Cardio?

Riding an exercise bike is an excellent way to not just lose weight but also...

Treadmill Incline Workout for Glutes

It’s time to fall in love with the treadmill again. Especially if you are trying...

How Many Days a Week Should I Do HIIT?

Determining how many days per week you should do HIIT will depend on your goal. ...

30 Minute HITT Treadmill Workout for Beginners

If you are new to fitness, you may have heard the term High-Intensity Interval Training...